It is with great pleasure that I invite you to check out my newly launched website for my Chinese Medicine practice, Earth Brother Wellness. Via this website you can sign up for my monthly newsletter, book appointments, read about my approach to Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture through my blog, and engage with me on social media. My main motivation for the blog is to educate patients since I feel it is my responsibility as an Acupuncturist to provide context on a form of treatment that may seem foreign and outdated.
Chinese medicine, though from a different culture and with origins that date back as early as 2,000 years ago and maybe even further, is relevant and applicable to our lives today! With the caveat, however, that it is practiced safely and effectively. To this end I have, and continue to, invest time and resources toward continued education beyond what my license requires. Practitioners that don’t come from China or East Asia are at a disadvantage when it comes to really understanding and applying the ancient teachings, and this understanding is vital; thus, we need to work harder. You can read more about these efforts on the website. Future blog posts will talk about the I Ching divination system and its application to Chinese Medicine, herbal medicine for fertility, pregnancy and postpartum, and an answer to the question “why are acupuncturists always writing about cherry blossoms and spring time?”.
Thank you for reading and for letting me serve you,
Adam Broder, D.O.M.